

Welcome to the unofficial Classcharts API documentation. These docs aim to provide an in depth guide to using the API manually, if you're using javascript/typescript, you can use our javascript library. If you have any issues with these docs, please create a new issue by visiting our Github page.



Student Endpoint

curl -X POST "" \
   -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
   -d '_method=POST&code=12GFKDQY&dob=20/1/2000' \
   -sD - --output /dev/null

# In the response your authentication token will be in a JSON object called
# student_session_credentials returned from a set-cookie header:

# set-cookie: student_session_credentials={"remember_me":false,"session_id":"a77dshds3jsd8sdfh2k3};

To access the student API, you must provide your ClassCharts code and date of birth in a POST request to the /student/login endpoint. After providing these details, you will receive an authentication token in the form of a cookie. The cookie will be set by a header called set-cookie and will be named student_session_credentials. Inside this cookie, you will find a session_id which is your authentication token.

This authentication token needs to be renewed every 180 seconds. To do this, you must perform a GET request to the /ping (Student Info) endpoint, the new session ID will be returned in the response body (data.meta.session_id).

Parent API

curl -X POST "" \
   -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
   -d '_method=POST&' \
   -sD - --output /dev/null

# In the response your authentication token will be in a JSON object called
# student_session_credentials returned from a set-cookie header:

# set-cookie: student_session_credentials={"remember_me":false,"session_id":"a77dshds3jsd8sdfh2k3};

To authenticate with the parent API you need to provide your email address and password. The authentication token is obtained the same way as the above student API.

Requesting Data

With each request you must specify your authentication token in the authorization header, and optionally your student ID in the URL. However, it is required to specify the student ID when using the parent API, as Classcharts needs to know which student you would like to get data for.

E.g. with the header: Authorization: Basic 5vf2v7n5uk9jftrxaarrik39vk6yjm48.

Student API

The base URL for the student API is

Student Info

curl ""  \
  -H 'Authorization: Basic 5vf2v7n5uk9jftrxaarrik39vk6yjm48'


Gets basic information about the logged in student and what access they have.
This endpoint is also used for revalidating your session id (authentication token). To get your new authentication token, call the endpoint, and use the token in the returned body (body.meta.session_id) as your new authentication token.

Get Activity

curl ""  \
  -H 'Authorization: Basic 5vf2v7n5uk9jftrxaarrik39vk6yjm48'

curl ""  \
  -H 'Authorization: Basic 5vf2v7n5uk9jftrxaarrik39vk6yjm48'


This endpoint gets the latest behaviour points for the logged in user. Optional from and to fields can be used to scope the request to specific dates. The last_id is used by Classcharts for pagination, and can be used to get results after a specific behaviour point.

Parameter Required Description
from false From date
to false To Date

Get Behaviour

curl ""  \
  -H 'Authorization: Basic 5vf2v7n5uk9jftrxaarrik39vk6yjm48'

curl ""  \
  -H 'Authorization: Basic 5vf2v7n5uk9jftrxaarrik39vk6yjm48'


This endpoint returns basic statistics on how many of each type of behaviour point the logged in student has received. Optional from and to fields can be used to get statistics between two dates.

Parameter Required Description
from false From date
to false To Date

Get Homeworks

curl ""  \
  -H 'Authorization: Basic 5vf2v7n5uk9jftrxaarrik39vk6yjm48'

# display_date can be due_date or issue_date
curl ""  \
  -H 'Authorization: Basic 5vf2v7n5uk9jftrxaarrik39vk6yjm48'


This endpoint returns homeworks the logged in user has. Optional from and to fields can be used to scope the request. The display_date field is used to either find homeworks by due date (due_date) or issue date (issue_date).

Parameter Required Description
from false From date
to false To Date
display_date false How to sort the homeworks (due_date or issue_date)

Get Timetable

# Date to get the timetable for must be provided
curl ""  \
  -H 'Authorization: Basic 5vf2v7n5uk9jftrxaarrik39vk6yjm48'


This endpoint gets the logged in users timetable for a specific day. The required date field specifies which day to get the timetable for.

Parameter Required Description
date true Date to get the timetable for

Get Badges

curl ""  \
  -H 'Authorization: Basic 5vf2v7n5uk9jftrxaarrik39vk6yjm48'


This endpoint returns any badges the logged in user has, along with the behaviour point that triggered it.

Get Announcements

curl ""  \
  -H 'Authorization: Basic 5vf2v7n5uk9jftrxaarrik39vk6yjm48'


This endpoint returns the announcements for the logged in user sent by the school.

Get Detentions

curl ""  \
  -H 'Authorization: Basic 5vf2v7n5uk9jftrxaarrik39vk6yjm48'


This endpoint returns the detentions the logged in user has.

Parent API

The base URL for the parent API is
The parent API is identical to the student API, except that the data returned is based on the student ID which is passed via each request and the get pupils endpoint.

Get Pupils

curl ""  \
  -H 'Authorization: Basic eadyjtgk7fnnvvqxuadmmdr5aibntaaf'


This endpoint returns an array of the pupils the logged in parent has access to, the response is very similar to the student info endpoint, aside from returning a couple more fields.


Classcharts doesn't return a different status code if you do something wrong. Instead, the JSON object it returns won't contain any data, and the error field will be populated with a description of the error.


  "success": 0,
  "expired": 0,
  "error": "You are not logged in. [1]",
  "meta": []